Thursday, February 7, 2019

Hot Stocks To Own Right Now


Equities research analysts expect that Bojangles Inc (NASDAQ:BOJA) will report $140.38 million in sales for the current quarter, according to Zacks. Six analysts have provided estimates for Bojangles’ earnings. The lowest sales estimate is $139.80 million and the highest is $141.18 million. Bojangles reported sales of $134.37 million in the same quarter last year, which would suggest a positive year over year growth rate of 4.5%. The business is scheduled to issue its next earnings results on Thursday, July 26th.

On average, analysts expect that Bojangles will report full-year sales of $559.84 million for the current fiscal year, with estimates ranging from $556.30 million to $565.56 million. For the next financial year, analysts anticipate that the firm will report sales of $567.92 million per share, with estimates ranging from $557.88 million to $588.57 million. Zacks Investment Research’s sales averages are a mean average based on a survey of sell-side research analysts that cover Bojangles.

Hot Stocks To Own Right Now: MFS Municipal Income Trust(MFM)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Ethan Ryder]

    Doliver Capital Advisors LP lessened its stake in MFS Municipal Income Trust (NYSE:MFM) by 51.6% in the 1st quarter, according to its most recent 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The fund owned 19,505 shares of the closed-end fund’s stock after selling 20,769 shares during the period. Doliver Capital Advisors LP’s holdings in MFS Municipal Income Trust were worth $127,000 as of its most recent SEC filing.

  • [By Ethan Ryder]

    News headlines about MFS Municipal Income Trust (NYSE:MFM) have been trending somewhat positive on Sunday, Accern Sentiment Analysis reports. The research group identifies negative and positive news coverage by reviewing more than twenty million news and blog sources in real time. Accern ranks coverage of publicly-traded companies on a scale of negative one to positive one, with scores closest to one being the most favorable. MFS Municipal Income Trust earned a media sentiment score of 0.02 on Accern’s scale. Accern also gave news articles about the closed-end fund an impact score of 46.4351075510345 out of 100, meaning that recent news coverage is somewhat unlikely to have an effect on the stock’s share price in the next few days.

Hot Stocks To Own Right Now: Xenia Hotels & Resorts, Inc.(XHR)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Shane Hupp]

    Chicago Equity Partners LLC reduced its position in shares of Xenia Hotels & Resorts (NYSE:XHR) by 2.7% during the 1st quarter, according to the company in its most recent 13F filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The institutional investor owned 330,625 shares of the real estate investment trust’s stock after selling 9,325 shares during the quarter. Chicago Equity Partners LLC owned 0.31% of Xenia Hotels & Resorts worth $6,520,000 as of its most recent SEC filing.

  • [By Ethan Ryder]

    MGM Resorts International (NYSE: MGM) and Xenia Hotels & Resorts (NYSE:XHR) are both consumer discretionary companies, but which is the superior investment? We will contrast the two businesses based on the strength of their institutional ownership, dividends, analyst recommendations, earnings, risk, profitability and valuation.

  • [By Shane Hupp]

    LSV Asset Management lifted its stake in Xenia Hotels & Resorts (NYSE:XHR) by 18.0% during the first quarter, according to its most recent disclosure with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The fund owned 4,446,848 shares of the real estate investment trust’s stock after acquiring an additional 679,100 shares during the quarter. LSV Asset Management owned approximately 4.16% of Xenia Hotels & Resorts worth $87,691,000 as of its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

  • [By Joseph Griffin]

    Xenia Hotels & Resorts (NYSE:XHR) – Jefferies Group issued their Q2 2018 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for Xenia Hotels & Resorts in a note issued to investors on Thursday, May 31st. Jefferies Group analyst D. Katz forecasts that the real estate investment trust will post earnings per share of $0.62 for the quarter. Jefferies Group has a “Buy” rating and a $29.00 price objective on the stock. Jefferies Group also issued estimates for Xenia Hotels & Resorts’ Q3 2018 earnings at $0.48 EPS, Q4 2018 earnings at $0.46 EPS and FY2018 earnings at $2.06 EPS.

Hot Stocks To Own Right Now: Leucadia National Corporation(LUK)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Jim Crumly]

    As for individual stocks, Novartis AG (NYSE:NVS) announced it is buying AveXis (NASDAQ:AVXS), and Leucadia National Corporation (NYSE:LUK) said it is selling off assets and taking a new name.

  • [By Ethan Ryder]

    Fernwood Investment Management LLC lowered its holdings in Leucadia National (NYSE:LUK) by 15.3% in the first quarter, according to the company in its most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The firm owned 27,750 shares of the conglomerate’s stock after selling 5,000 shares during the period. Fernwood Investment Management LLC’s holdings in Leucadia National were worth $631,000 as of its most recent SEC filing.

  • [By Dan Caplinger]

    Conglomerates are often under pressure to do something with various components of their businesses, and Leucadia National (NYSE:LUK) has felt pressure to do something with its widely varied assortment of business units. With key pieces of Leucadia including meat specialist National Beef and financial services giant Jefferies Group, the overall company can be hard to evaluate. That's a big reason why Leucadia said earlier this month that it would make big strategic moves to refocus its efforts more squarely on financial services.

Hot Stocks To Own Right Now: Big Lots, Inc.(BIG)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Lisa Levin]

    Big Lots, Inc. (NYSE: BIG) was down, falling around 9 percent to $37.35 after the company reported weaker-than-expected results for its first quarter and issued downbeat earnings forecast.

  • [By Ethan Ryder]

    Big Lots (NYSE:BIG) was upgraded by investment analysts at ValuEngine from a “sell” rating to a “hold” rating in a note issued to investors on Friday.

  • [By Logan Wallace]

    ValuEngine lowered shares of Big Lots (NYSE:BIG) from a hold rating to a sell rating in a report published on Wednesday morning.

    Other equities analysts have also issued reports about the company. Telsey Advisory Group reaffirmed a market perform rating and issued a $55.00 price objective (down from $65.00) on shares of Big Lots in a research note on Monday, March 12th. Citigroup reaffirmed a hold rating and issued a $56.00 price objective on shares of Big Lots in a research note on Tuesday, March 13th. Barclays reaffirmed a hold rating and issued a $50.00 price objective on shares of Big Lots in a research note on Thursday, March 15th. TheStreet lowered Big Lots from a b- rating to a c+ rating in a research note on Friday, April 13th. Finally, Loop Capital reaffirmed a buy rating and issued a $70.00 price objective on shares of Big Lots in a research note on Monday, January 29th. One investment analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, seven have issued a hold rating and eight have assigned a buy rating to the company. Big Lots currently has an average rating of Hold and a consensus target price of $58.25.

  • [By Stephan Byrd]

    BJs Wholesale Club (NYSE: BIG) and Big Lots (NYSE:BIG) are both consumer discretionary companies, but which is the better business? We will contrast the two businesses based on the strength of their profitability, dividends, institutional ownership, earnings, valuation, risk and analyst recommendations.

  • [By ]

    If stronger oil prices substantially boost inflation, central bankers on balance will have one less (big) reason to keep monetary policy on hold while the Fed moves ahead in its tightening cycle.

  • [By Stephan Byrd]

    Big Lots (NYSE:BIG) was upgraded by ValuEngine from a “strong sell” rating to a “sell” rating in a report released on Friday.

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